Welcome to the Praxis im Gaengeviertel!
The Community Clinic for Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture,
and Psychological Counselling in Hamburg.
We warmly welcome you to the Praxis im Gaengeviertel - joint practice (community clinic) for Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and psychological counselling. Chinese medicine-related treatment methods may provide you proper support in a wide range of health-related concerns, disorders, and diseases.
Acupuncture, as a well-proven treatment method, by now, managed its integration into health care systems all over the world. Regarding more than a few indications, it already proved to be evidence-based.
A main focus within the Praxis im Gaengeviertel is the ADHD acupuncture clinic.
Since a while, we also do offer Therapeutic Boxing which might be a helpful adjunctive approach in the treatment of complaints associated with both complex and conventional posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD/PTSD), ADHD, as well as depressive or anxiety disorders.
Chinese medicine-related treatment approaches (e.g. TCM) are combined with latest scientific knowledge, considering the respective state of evidence.
We believe that acupuncture, Chinese medicine treatments, and psychological counselling should be accessible to people regardless of their socio-economic or insurance status.
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, naturopathic procedures and also psychological counselling (without prior specialist indication) are currently largely excluded from coverage by the statutory German health insurance funds (GKV).
There is a social gradient with regard to the possibility of using holistic medical/therapeutic methods. For example, the range of methods of Chinese medicine often is simply not available to people with rather low incomes.
In the Praxis im Gaengeviertel, we offer you treatments with just the mentioned methods, regardless the height of your income or insurance status, by application of a flexible, solidarity-based payment model:
Patients/clients pay
depending on their current income situation, either
the conventional rate (varying according to the health professional group consulted)
a reduced amount according to your possibilities by arrangement (see Honoraria)
a 'little more', in solidarity to support the practice model and enable it to be maintained.
Private German health insurance companies (PKV) as well as German-based supplementary insurances do cover a large part of our services.
The Praxis im Gaengeviertel with its solidary payment model stands for social justice, diversity and the fundamental equality of all people.
We would be pleased if this vision was also appreciated and shared by our patients and clients.
Visit us
(Pleease make an appointment
by call or by e-mail)
Valentinskamp 28A
22355 Hamburg
Tel: please click
Mail: info@praxis-im gaengeviertel.com