ADHD Acupuncture Clinic
Originally originating from Autism spectrum self-help, the terms 'neurodiversity, respectively neurodivergency, have been extended to ADHD. The underlying idea is that just as there is a natural 'diversity' in biology in general (e.g. sexual preferences), there is also a diversity of neurobiological constitutions (see Eapen, 2012). In turn, there is no need to accredit the dominance of the normativity of the 'average brain'. Thus, neurobiological manifestations deviating from 'average neurobiology' do not per se need to be classified as disordered or as a disease (cf. White et al., 2011).
In the meantime, several therapists and scientists from various disciplines have adopted this approach.
The ADHD acupuncture consultation clinic in the *Praxis im Gaengeviertel* also is dedicated to this approach.